Boston Osteopathic and Chiropody Clinic
9A Pen Street, Boston. Lincolnshire
PE21 6TJ

Mobile: 07964 345527

I am a registered Osteopath and Podiatrist (Chiropodist) with clinics in Boston and Horncastle. You are currently viewing the pages for my Boston based Osteopathic and Podiatry Practice.

I am registered with the General Osteopathic Council, Institue of Osteopathy and Health Professions Care Council. I have practiced Osteopathy and Podiatry (Chiropody) for many years in the region. Take a look at the Treatments page for more information. If you require any advice, please feel free to contact me directly using the telephone number provided in my website.

If you require any advice, please feel free to contact me directly using the telephone number provided on my website. Please be advised that methods of payment are via: cash, cheque, or bank transfer.

If you have any symptoms of COVID-19 or have had contact with persons who have displayed symptoms of Coronavirus infection, please do not attend the practice until you have fully recovered


Common presentations to an osteopath include:

  • Low back pain, which may or may not include sciatica.

  • Neck and upper back pain, which may or may not include pain in the shoulder, upper arm, elbow, fore-arm, wrist and hand.

  • Peripheral joint pain, (shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee, ankle and foot).

  • Sports injuries, e.g., medial tibial stress syndrome, (shin splints) Achilles Tendinosis, Runners Knee (IT Band Friction Syndrome) etc.

  • Workplace strains/sprains.

  • Arthritic conditions, (degenerative and rheumatoid).

  • Backache associated with pregnancy.
  • Effects of trauma, e.g. Whiplash syndrome.
  • Postural problems.
  • Headaches and sinus problems.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Jaw pain, vertigo and tinnitus.
  • Flat feet.

Sports Massage

Pain following exercise

Sports massage, applied skilfully, is an effective therapy for releasing muscle tension and restoring balance to the musculo-skeletal system. This therapeutic measure may help athletes prevent injuries, which might otherwise be caused by overuse. The skilled sports massage therapist can detect variations in the soft tissues and by using the correct techniques, help the sports person maintain a much healthier physical state. Therefore,one of the greatest benefits of sports massage is in prevention of injury.

According to the American Massage Therapy Association, sports massage has the following beneficial effects:

Improves overall performance and reduces recovery time. Reduces muscle tension. Helps athletes monitor muscle tone. Promote relaxation. Increase range of motion. Decrease muscle stiffness and soreness after exercise. Helps prevent injuries.

Podiatry and Chiropody

I offer a Podiatric and Chiropody service including:

Treatment of: Corns, Calluses, Verrucae, Thickened and Fungally Infected Toenails, (Onymycosis).

Treatment of: Plantar Fasciitis, Mortons Neuroma, Sesamoiditis, Metatarsalgia, Toe, Foot and Lower limb Cramping at Night and over pronation/supination.

Treatment of: Piriformis Syndrome, Hip Joint Capsulitis/Bursitis, Sportsmans Hernia (Inguinal and Femoral Hernias). Muscle Strains, e.g.,- Iliopsoas, Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Adductors and Gluteal Muscles. Muscle imbalances, e.g., - Quadriceps (VMO), Hamstrings, Adductors, Glutes and Lateral Hip Rotators.

Treatment of: Runners Knee (IT Band Friction Syndrome), Ligament Sprains (MCL. LCL, PCL, ACL), Osgood Schlatters Syndrome, Shin Splints (Periostitis), Meniscal Tears and Haematomes.